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Heart Felt Dance
exploring portals to the landscape of the body.
Since ancient times and through all lineages the connection with the land has been a deep internal resource for our soul, body, mind, and spirit.
At this gathering, we will deepen our artistry to commune with our own body, the body of the other, as well as the bigger body of the earth and those who have walked before us.
Haiku, Maui, HI
Women’s Empowerment Circle
Discover your deepest potentials!
Now more than ever women are learning to reclaim their power. Many of us are feeling this.
What does becoming empowered look and feel like? What do we do with the feelings being stirred within? Please join us in coming together on a journey in discovery of our deepest potentials. This will be a safe space for laughter, tears, movement, connection with self and others, connecting with our hearts, finding new ways to communicate, and for having new experiences.
Haiku, Maui, HI

The Creative Breath
A Somatic Meditation Online Class Series.
Movement starts with breath. Breath is movement. Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance.
At this online class series we will focus on the wisdom of our breathing body, attending to breath, sound, movement, and self contact. The exploration of our internal sensations will guide us to our creative response in the outside world, using movement, drawing, and creative writing to ground our experience.
Returning Home
Conversations with the Natural World
Join Caroline Kleindienst, RSMT and Adam Stone, LMHCA for an afternoon in nature on beautiful Vashon Island, WA. At this workshop we will open our sensory minds and listen to our bodies in nature using the tools of somatic movement and meditation, expressive arts (Halprin Life/Art process), ritual enactments, and active imaginations.
We will reconnect to a natural state of grace and creativity, nurture and honor our own indigenous soul, as well as the soul of the earth.
Point Robinson Park Vashon, WA

Expressive Arts Dolphin Retreat in Kona, Hawaii
For many centuries myths and legends from all over the world have attested to the healing influence the ocean waters and dolphins have on human beings.
At this retreat we will gather for 5 days and 4 nights to find sanctuary in the outside world, as well as in our own body, mind, and spirit.
Each morning we will enter the warm Hawaiian ocean and explore beings living in the sea, wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins, sea turtles, and various other swimmers.
In the afternoon we will gather as a human pod and inquire the personal myths and stories inspired from our encounters.
Banyan Tree Sanctuary Retreat Center, Kona, Hawaii
Lava Rock, Sand, Ocean
A Dance Exploration in Nature
“The interface between our human ways and the ways of nature are integrated. Just as ancients danced upon the spirits in nature, we too can dance to find the spirits within ourselves that have long been buried and forgotten”. Anna Halprin
Join me on a journey to connect deeper with the elements of the natural environment using somatic movement, expressive arts, and somatic meditation. Open your sensory mind and listen to the wisdom of your body in nature.
Bring untold stories alive through connecting with your creativity. Explore, nurture, and meet yourself as nature.
Kanaha Beach Park, Maui, Hawaii

Dance of Forgiveness
A movement workshop inspired by Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness.
Seattle, WA
Dancing the Shadow
Shadow Work using Movement and Sacred Arts
Join somatic movement therapist Caroline Kleindienst, and Jungian psychotherapist Adam Stone, for an afternoon workshop focused on exploring, moving, and integrating the shadow.
Each one of us has positive and negative shadows made up of repressed qualities and traits that we have rejected and pushed into the unconscious for various reasons. These parts of ourselves are then projected onto others whom we either despise or admire. Processing and integrating these parts of ourselves can be empowering and lead to increased consciousness and greater wholeness.
Vashon Island, WA

Spirit of Place
Conversations with the Natural Environment
Join Caroline Kleindienst, MA, RSMT and Adam Stone, MA, LMHCA for an afternoon in nature of beautiful Vashon Island, WA.
Explore the ancient and magical grounds of Point Robinson Park using somatic movement, expressive arts (Halprin Life/ Art Process), and ritual enactments. Nurture yourself and deepen your process through connecting with your deeper center, others and the natural world.
Point Robinson Park, Vashon, WA
Water Journeys
Expressive Arts Dolphin Retreat
For many centuries myths and legends from all over the world have attested to the healing influence the ocean waters and dolphins have on human beings. I had many encounters with pods of wild dolphins and experienced the healing power of those amazing cetaceans within my own body, mind, and spirit.
At this retreat we will gather for 5 days and 4 nights at the Banyan Tree Sanctuary Retreat Center in Kona. Each morning we will enter the ocean waters and celebrate our own fluidity, as well as explore other beings living in the sea, wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins, sea turtles, and various other swimmers.
Kona, Hawaii